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HistoricalSites, Slovakia

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Primatial Palace
The Primate’s Palace is one of the most beautiful classicist buildings in Slovakia. Portraits of Hungarian rulers are exhibited in the picture gallery. An impressive part of the gallery is a collection of six tapestries found in the reconstruction of the palace.
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Bratislava Old Town Hall
The history of the Old Town Hall dates back to the beginnings of the mediaeval town in the 13th century. It was then that the original Romanesque house of Mayor Jakub became the property of the city. Over the course of time Unger’s House and Pawer’s House were annexed to it. The most complete element in the neo-Gothic reconstruction is the chapel of St Ladislav, with its unique wall paintings from the 15th century. In 1581 a renaissance arcade was added. The building normally houses the Bratislava City Museum, the oldest in the city (1868). When open, the museum features an exhibition of the feudal justice system, as well as the remarkable interior of the town hall building and original furnishings from the municipal court. In summer, cultural programmes are held in the beautiful renaissance courtyard and concerts are held in the tower.
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Devin Castle
The oldest traces of Slavic settlement date from the 8th century, and in the 9th century a fortress from the period of the Great Moravian Empire is believed to have stood here, linked to ruler Prince Rastislav.
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Michael's Gate
The bulbous yet elegant copper roof of Michael’s Gate is one of the symbols of Bratislava. The roof of the original gothic tower, built in the mid 14th century, was modified between 1753 and 1758 to give it its current, baroque style. The 51 meters tall tower has seven floors, and the superb view of the old town from the upper terrace of the tower is one of Bratislava’s top visitor experiences.
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The gigantic Slavín war memorial is visible from much of the city. On a hill overlooking the castle, it commemorates the city’s liberation by the Red Army in April 1945.
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Bratislava Castle
The former seat of the rulers, today the symbol of Bratislava and the seat of the Museum of History. There is a wonderful view of the city and the neighbouring countries from its 47-metre-high crown tower in which royal coronation jewels used to be deposited.