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HistoricalSites, Eisenstadt

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Esterhazy Palace
Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt is one of the most beautiful baroque castles in Austria and gives an impressive insight into the former glittering life at the court of the Princes Esterházy. With the authentic ambience and the excellent acoustics of the Haydn Hall, Esterházy Palace is still the center of cultural events: here concerts are given, festivals celebrated and glamorous exhibitions shown. An exciting counterpoint is the former stables opposite the castle. Together they form the Schlossquartier Eisenstadt, where contemporary and historical, music and art, culinary and wine meet each other in a unique way.
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Eisenstadt City Hall
The structural fabric of the town hall dates back to 1560 and was changed after the city had been elevated to a royal free-trade zone in 1648. The architectural basis is thought to go back to early renaissance. The diamond-shaped ashlar of the portal points to this era, too. The one-storey building with a broad front featuring two round oriels on the sides and a rectangular oriel in the centre has been refurbished during the baroque; a massive attic has been built on top of it during the same period. The murals discovered in 1926 probably also go back to the early renaissance period and have been adapted to fit the baroque tastes later on. In 1949 Rudolf Holzinger repainted them by closely sticking to old patterns. He also completed the missing pictures.
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Haydn House Eisenstadt
When he got promoted to conductor in 1766, Haydn bought this house and lived there with his wife Aloisia Keller until 1778. Haydn and Eisenstadt are inseparable. From 1761 on, Haydn worked as conductor for the Esterházy court for more than 40 years. Five years after his commission to the Esterházy court, he bought the baroque house situated in what is now called 21 Haydngasse. He lived there for 12 years. Numerous furniture items and original instruments make this collection a true feast for all senses.
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Haydn Mausoleum
The Haydn Mausoleum is located right under the north tower. It is the famous composer's dignified and evocative place of burial. Thousands of music lovers from all corners of the globe visit the mausoleum every year. Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) had been employed with the Esterházy family for more than 40 years. After his death he was first buried in Vienna. In 1820 his remains were transferred to Eisenstadt and put into their final resting place, the mausoleum, in 1954.
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Jewish Cemetery and Jewish Quarter
The old Jewish Cemetery had been installed in the 17th century near the Jewish Quarter. Due to place restrictions, the new cemetery was set up near the old one. During the Nazi-occupation it was partly destroyed and tombstones had been used to erect tank barriers all around the city. After 1945 both cemeteries were renovated and the tombstones were put back into place.
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Jewish Museum Eisenstadt
In 1972 the Austrian Jewish Museum in Eisenstadt was established as Austria’s very first Jewish museum after 1945. It is located in the town’s former Jewish district, near Palace Esterházy, in Palais Samson Wertheimer. In the course of your tour, you can visit not only the museum exhibitions, but also the synagogue belonging to the Palais Wertheimer, as well as both Jewish cemeteries, on a roundabout walk through the ancient Judengasse. The small synagogue to the former Hungarian state rabbi Samson Wertheimer (1658-1724) is the gem of the building and the museum. It numbers among the very few synagogues in the German speaking area which was not destroyed in the so-called Reichskristallnacht in November 1938 or during the period following.
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Plague Column
Column in honour of the Holy Trinity and the crowned queen of heavens, Mary. The Plague Column was erected in 1713 by order of the "Royal Town of Eisenstadt". It was meant to serve as plea to God to free the city from the plague. On the pedestal there are representations of Saint Rochus, Sebastian, Kajetan, John of Nepomuk and Saint Rosalie. Right above them is a cartouche featuring the coat of arms of the city. At the feet of Saint Francis there is a plaque with rolled up ends on both sides. On the slender, Corinthian column wrapped with bay leave twigs there are: God the Father and Jesus, as well as the coronation of Mary, above them all hovers the Holy Spirit.